Most Litrpg books start with John put on his VR headset… This is a different story; yes, it deals with the world’s apocalypse. Our hero begins just trying to survive, but he realizes that he’s not just in this for himself he is in it for way more. The story is a new concept. The characters aren’t all of one mind, but at times they seem to have a hard time thinking for themselves. Each person in this story has a different personality and different ideas. For many who survive the initial assault, it is like putting your grandmother in front of your computer for the first time and rolling her a level one character in World Of Warcraft. This is a good start on what appears to be a promising series. One thing I like about the author is his stats-to-story ratio. He doesn’t bog the story down with needless statistics. He doesn’t reread the character sheet constantly and doesn’t go over things that aren’t relevant to the story. I’ve already bought the second book and will start it as soon as I post this review.