In reality, I would probably rate this book a 3.5 if I could. I enjoyed the experience, but the issues or low points of the story and narration aren’t washed away by the high points.
I love the fact this story shows the path to healing and redemption in the male protagonist. I am bummed out we didn’t get more of that for the female protagonist. I really didn’t like the presentation of her being near faultless and “perfect”. She wasn’t and has work of her own she needs to accomplish.
I felt some elements of the side plots as well as the redemption section of their love story really faltered or were lacking. Alina really needed to go to therapy or something before jumping back into a connection that left the scars it did on her. However, it was immensely enjoyable to read about a healthy, respectable male love interest/protagonist! That was probably the best part of the book for me.
Throughout the story are many hints, references, and clues to the other side character’s stories that will be taking focus in sequels. That was a fun element. However, i feel even some of these side characters were not fleshed out as well as they should’ve been. Im curious about Becca’s story but really don’t care about Jax’s.
Anyways, all in all, a nice experience, easy listen aside from a few weird or jarring moments with narration (few and far between), and a nice story. Not sure if i will continue with this series, but i am interested in reading more from McIntire.