I love Cherry Tucker! She’s a strong-willed sassy Southern gal with a big heart. I also love a poison pen mystery.
Cherry is a struggling artist with a knack for solving mysteries. Cherry is hired to help design the sets for Romeo and Juliet for a local private school, but the Art Director wants her to find out who is behind the poison pen text messages and social media posts. Cherry takes us on an adventure full of twists and turns, quirky characters, and a little bit of danger.
I always save Larissa Reinhart’s books for when I need to laugh. Her characters are relatable and perfectly imperfect. I also always find Cherry’s never quit attitude inspiring. Once again, Joan Dukore captures the author’s humor and brings the story to life. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series!
I was gifted a copy of this book from the author with no expectation of a review.