I wanted to love this book after hearing an interview with the author. I am a lover of sci-fi, and post-apocalyptic stories. I am absolutely an econ geek, I listen to four different econ podcasts, and regularly read popular econ books. I am also a firm believer in the science of climate change and know that it is a crisis that we must start to deal with. With all that said, I could not make it through this story, after about four hours of trying to power through it was a lost cause.

The premise should be right up my ally given my interests. The science outlined in the book is real. The economic tools and levers being discussed are legitimate. However, the way this is written is just disjointed, seeming to bounce around from first person perspective to large chunks of extremely dethatched third person narrative. The characters are not at all interesting or relatable. I cannot even remember their names as of this writing or what their perspective really was. Maybe it’s not really possible to push these concepts together into the story that the author wanted to write, or maybe the author just wasn’t the right person to do it. Either way, even if I couldn’t return the book for my credit back, this was not worth my time to try to get through this just for the sake of finishing it.