A Silver Fox for Kinkmas is part of the multi-author Naughty or Nice Season Three series. This is a wonderfully written sweet, steamy, Daddy/boy, story with all the feels where Bones steals the show and Barney gets his silver fox Daddy for Christmas. I was hoping Barney would get his own book. He’s such a wonderful character. Taking part in a Cuff’d Christmas event Barney got to stay and catch  up with Kasper and Jude. All Barney wanted was some fun but he got so much more than that. Magnus is a widower and business owner who happened to attend an event and met Barney. I enjoyed Barney and Magnus together. They were just who the other needed. It was great to see both characters grow and step outside of their comfort zones. I definitely recommend this book. 
Narrator Piers Ryman does an amazing job. I just love how he voiced Bones. I could totally picture the bird every time.