Oh holy swooniness Batman! Where do I even begin with my review?! Part of me wants to yell…. DON’T READ REVIEWS! JUST READ THE BOOK! But then the other part of me wants to start gushing about how much I LOVED this book! Gah! Y’all. I just can’t even right now! 

It’s no secret that I’m a sucker for swoony second chance, single parent romances and this one absolutely NAILED what I’ve come to crave with these tropes! I was hooked from the very beginning and had the hardest time putting this book down! I never wanted it to end! It was just THAT good! 

From the first moment I met Izzy in The Valentine Inn, I knew she would hold a special place in my heart. There was just something about her fierce love, protective nature, and snarkiness that had me wanting to know her and her story. And oh what a story it was! My heart broke into a million pieces for her! I can’t even imagine having to go through some of the things she did. The woman definitely deserves the very best and a dang good HEA!

Enter Patrick in all his white knight glory! Y’all. I became a big ol’ pile of ooey, gooey, goodness! That man! WOWZERS! Y’all. I’m going to say it right now. He’s MY book boyfriend and y’all just need to STAY AWAY! I will fight you for him! Haha. The man may be just as broken as Izzy, but he is absolute perfection! I absolutely adored their relationship. So swoony and sweet and loving! Y’all… you can’t help but root for these two to get their HEA! 

And we can’t forget Bridgette and Rory. Y’all. My heart was breaking for those kids! So much hurt and anger lived in them. You can tell they needed Izzy as much as she needed them. I loved watching her relationship with the kids develop and how they all helped each other heal. It was a beautiful thing! 

This book has all the feels! And I mean… ALL. THE. FEELS! Laughing, crying, swooning, dreamy sighing, you name it and I did it! The HEA in this book will probably be one of my all time favorites ever! If you haven’t already guessed, this book is definitely a MUST READ! 

I can seriously go on and on and on with my gushing. I have read this book 3 times and have had the biggest book hangover every single time! If I had to give any kind of warnings it would be to make sure you clear your schedule before starting this book and then once you finish it make sure you reread some of your favorites before starting anything new. This book is going to be hard to follow!

Ms. Peel has definitely hit it out of the park with this one. Here it is, days later, and I can’t stop thinking about Izzy, Patrick, and the kids. Gah! I seriously love this book with my whole butt! I would say heart but my butt is bigger! Clearly, Izzy has influenced me just a teeny tiny bit. 😉

And of course I can’t forget about Ms. Kay! Y’all. She is a FANTASTIC narrator! She has this amazing ability to bring the book to life and makes me love it even more! If you haven’t listened to her before, I highly recommend you do!