Wow I love a good forbidden age gap romance and this book was definitely one of them!!

Page by page I became very intrigued by Sheilagh and all her life’s complications. She had her heart broken and after that she just stop trying. While she is extremely smart her life choices weren’t the best and this made her siblings forced her to attend university.

Alec was such an amazing character. Being a philosophy university professor his life was kind of an everyday routine until he meets his much younger student Sheilagh. Instantly he is intrigued by her and wants to challenge her bright mind.

At the beginning these two butted heads but little by little they felt captivated by each other. Their relationship had some bumps in the road by I love how Alec had patience and understanding for everything Sheiglagh was going through mentally. This man in definitely book boyfriend material!

I love how this couple found what they truly needed in each other.

I listened to the audiobook of this story thanks to Valentine PR and the narrator was fantastic and did a fabulous job bringing these characters emotions page by page.