Definite ***5** stars!
The title fits the subject matter–dead serious–but this twisting story is told in very approachable and enjoyable ways because it’s interspersed with some great, fun writing and Joel Leslie narrating. Not gritty–no sarcastic oversensitive cop, no flailing immature twink. Just real people living in the real world with the usual amount of humor and problems–very well done (and the unnecessary sidekicks were let go early on because they were supposed to be and were set up to be finite). Lots of LGBTQ+ reality, lots more than expected, but it was also fun at the same time! Nothing was shoved down your throat–nothing you didn’t want.
Kept me interested in listening to every word–and I was trying to cook a complicated meal at one point–had to backtrack a bit. I was wholly surprised by everything in this story. Made me want to go out and see these characters at the Rainbow and the competition-all of them. Would enjoy the film done with this sensibility retained–the story made me salivate for that experience.
This is a great crime story without walking off into the dark or the romance too much. It never makes you forget it’s a crime story though the romance is really good–believable and fun too. There’s good humor, real humor, and even a few silly parts, but you never feel like it’s overly silly–it never drags you out of the story line. The sex scene was steaming hot and not serious every moment either.
Highly recommended. I’ll listen to this over and over again. Vawn–I want more!