Sol, a man sent by another dimension’s people to help put Earth on the right path as it moves towards interstellar flight. In his dimension, he was large for his human like species, but as he went through the portal to our dimension, he was impacted in many unexpected ways. He is even larger and more muscular than before. He is so strong that on a regular basis he destroys things. But he is trying, the public sees him as a hero, he wants to help, but working with the US government doesn’t make it easy.

Sol works with Harry as his handler, partner and they become friends. Sol liked Harry because he is

honest with him whether good or bad. They work up a good banter that helps the story along but also shows the depth that of the friendship. Harry reports to Jessica, the deputy director. Sol has a crush on her, but if he ever touched her even just to hold her hand, he would crush her bones. Sol is trying to learn to control his strength but it isn’t going well.

Weird things start happening. We learn that in Sol’s dimension they do not kill. As Sol fights and encounters some of these challenges will he be able to stick to his beliefs and teachings or will he be corrupted by the American way?

I enjoyed this different take within the superhero genre. There are some definite surprises and I recommend it. There were some slow parts or maybe a few parts of the story that were unnecessary but overall still worth the time. This was my first story by this author and I would be willing to check out others.