This series has an interesting premise but the first book was boring. I decided to give the series another shot and after this book, I will not be continuing.

Graves is a terrible detective. He ignored clues that should have been obvious throughout. He ‘s annoyingly passive as well. He caves to whatever Ortiz wants.

Ortiz is obnoxious again. She knows that she knows nothing about this magical world but refuses to heed Graves’ warnings. She constantly talks down to him, gets in his way and does nothing helpful until the end when she saves the useless protagonist.

Graves is supposed to be a smart alec, always cracking jokes but they aren’t funny. His pop culture references are sometimes laughably wrong. For example, at one point he says, “Batman doesn’t tell people he’s Batman, they already know.” Batman tells people he’s Batman all the time!! “I’m Batman” is one of the most quoted lines from any Batman movie.

The story was 15 minutes of material stretched out to novel length. Most of the book is Graves walking around agonizing over philosophy. It’s not even interesting philosophy, it’s the same question over and over. “Oh I’m so bad. Why do I get people involved?”

I hate writing negative reviews and I apologize for this one. I couldn’t hold it in.