The only thing reasonably good about this offering is the narrator. Phil Thron does a pretty good job of making this almost worth one’s time.
Now the story: If someone was a middle aged man (definitely 40+ male), was a huge fan of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, obviously really liked Mad Max, and had a C+ sense of humor, one could be the author of this book. If one finds pop culture references that are relegated to those of us old enough to remember Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom relevant, then one might find this book funny. However, Such humor doesn’t age well. It just sounds dated and irrelevant. I am probably the same age as the author and this book just makes me feel old; tethered as it is to a bygone age of VHS and satire from MAD Magazine. If the book had ben written in the 90s it may have seemed kitsch, now it just seems superfluous. This book has all the charm of an assistant principle trying to relate to high schoolers by reciting his favorite lines from The Blues Brothers.