I feel so duped by all the “swooning” reviews for this that said it was swoony and swoonworthy and amazing. I found it to be so overly cheesy and ridiculous. Her life’s “trauma” was this pirate story she wrote years ago?? If I heard the phrase “pirate girl” one more time I was going to lose it. I don’t even mind that there was zero steam level- that’s fine with me. But omg I just found all of the dialogue and the story line to be so utterly silly. The narrator was annoying to me also. It’s not that she was bad, but just really overanimated, high pitched, and obnoxious. And while other reviews said the narrator would make you fall in love with Reece, I found her voice for Reece to be really unlikeable. Maybe I am a cynic but the only “feels” this one
gave me were not good ones.