I’ve tried to get into litrpg/Gamelit several times prior. Most came off as fanfic to fun premised but amateur novels. That was until I found Matt Dinniman and dungeon crawler Carl. Finally, a perfect mix of a unique premise, progression fantasy, and earnestly good writing. I ultimately binged the entirety of the released auidiobooks in under two weeks.
The most common critiques I have seen revolve around the dark humor and a group of readers who dislike the main character’s talking cat companion. While the first is a matter of taste, these novels are certainly not under the horror genre so I would encourage you to give it a go even if not you usual type. The one liners really hit home and are narrated phenomenally. As for the second point, Donut becomes more and more likable as the series progresses so don’t fret even if you find her off putting at the onset (which I didn’t).
TLDR: give it a try especially in audio format