Gianna meets Ethan at the bar she works at. Gianna doesn’t know Ethan manipulated their meeting. Ethan is determined to make Gianna his girl. That he does and Ethan marries her. At their wedding reception Gianna is talking to a stranger and they share a spark of romance. Ethan is NOT going to let Gianna embarrass him by talking to another man. Ethan jerks Gianna up and tells her never again. The marriage doesn’t get better. Ethan has mistresses and steps out on Gianna. All the while physically and emotionally abusing Gianna. After Ethan causes Gianna a miscarriage Gianna decides it’s time to make a plan to get away. It is very hard for Gianna to escape Ethan but eventually she does and moves to New York. There Gianna becomes Val and reinvents herself in hopes Ethan won’t find her. Val also runs into the stranger from all those years ago at her wedding, Derek. Derek owns a gym near her apartment and he also lives across the street. Derek has lived all these years dreaming of Gianna, the one that got away. Val has to try to get over all of the abuse she suffered. Derek teaches Val a self defense class so she can fight back this time. Val gets a job working for Derek’s sister and brother in law. When Derek and Val progress their relationship, Val is certain Ethan has come back. Val is going to stand and fight this time. The one thing Ethan has taught Val is she is enough. Gianna didn’t even know Ethan at all. I will read anything Dakota Willink writes. This book hopefully encourages people that they can get out of abusive relationships and there is a better life after.

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