Always read reviews first. Wish I would have done so before listening to this. Yes it’s written extremely well but the fact of the matter is it tried to make SA ok and pretty and tried giving it a happy ending. That is far from how it works and trying to do that is disgusting.

A 20 something year old man has no business developing feelings for an 8 year old child. Her situation made her more susceptible to grooming. Of course she’s going to fall for the man who cares for her amongst so much trauma. It was his job as an adult to keep her safe and turning their relationship “romantic” only added to her trauma.

The aunt tried to help and everyone just looked at her like she was crazy and a bad guy which just adds to the insanity of the whole thing.

Definitely need to add trigger warnings. Thankfully I’m in a good place or this book would have derailed me cause I was not expecting them to be so graphic in the way they depict it all and the carelessness of the subject matter.