On the plus side… they don’t have a crew member this time that’s in a critical crew role and given full trust but is displaying severe schizophrenic symptoms yet nobody seems concerned enough to get them a paych eval and moved out where they can’t kill evwryone. nobody imagining pirates or believing the ship is crying because he didn’t change a filter…
The story sort of drags on. 1/3 of the book seems to be taking orders for what kind of omelet they want for breakfast. It gets boring rapidly. No matter what happens the author just moves the story onward by giving Ishmael random boons or lucky money etc. In the ends its just a crutch by the author. Painstakingly describe making an omelet.. describe cleaning the hallway… then boom give him 12mil.. then boom take it away but he still wins because someone else gives credit… it’s just mushed together to wrap up the story. boring long journey ofil details…
The economy and math sure take wild swings and don’t line up from book to book. one book had the crew earning 300 credits in 1 month.. the next minute a nice jacket costs 2000. a 3 week cruise becomes 15000 to 50000… and ships cost billions…
it doesn’t add up especially considering the math and economy of prior books.. poorly detailed but numbers thrown around as if they matter but they don’t. .
Done wasting time on the series its really going off the rails and boring.