While wondering about the next read/listen I might have amidst all the fantasy books I’ve been munching down with two hands for the past few months, I was craving for some lighter content.

Wishlist flashed some of Rick Griffins work I had added previously there, and hesitated a bit at space/scifi-fantasy setup. Luckily only for a brief moment, as after getting the book nevertheless and listening it through, I can wholeheartedly say DEFINITELY WORTH IT!

Not too heavy on the scifi side, you can easily follow what’s happening without the fear of “technical-jargon.” Characters have great distinctive personalities, though more building is probably due in future books, for now much is left for imagination. Only downside I’d consider are the character names, as they’re not too distinctive from each other’s, besides Gurt (or Curt?) so without nay context on their spelling, just listening to the book might cause a bit confusion. Good thing I could check the character names as the book progressed on E621 😀

Story and world building are amazing! Can’t wait to continue on the second book, and other takes on the Hayven Celestia universe.

Overall a great listen, even for those a bit hesitant on space-fantasy 👍🏻