Obviously we’ll written. The story moves along and keeps your attention. It’s just that the main character keeps playing the tragic victim. We’ll he doesn’t really dive into it but he’s a young, handsome, confident, educated, highly intelligent and motivated guy. But at every turn there’s whiny self doubt trash. But then he just goes ahead and gets perfect scores and impresses everyone. He has nothing but wins but acts like he’s scared of failure. He’s not a likable character. Spoiler alert… book goes deep into vivid space porn sexual scenes. Semi dominatrix etc. Then just acts like nothing happened.
There some echoes of sociopath in the main character. It’s like.. His mom dies.. he just get some good and goes to sleep. His mom is still dead.. He is worried about finding the best possible job so he doesn’t have to pay bills. It’s like…. ok dude you worry about yourself but then everyone treats you like a hero rockstar for doing the most basic and obvious thing like… cleaning the coffee maker when the coffee is burning….
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