I love Mark Godwin’s books, but I have to say this is series so far is my least favorite. Although it’s a good story, I feel that it is laced with overly stereo typed commentary on various groups of people and it concerns me that it can lead to others having a negative bias. I may be overly sensitive in this area because for a short proof in my life I was on welfare, not because I’m lazy or didn’t want to work; but due to circumstances. In fact i was initially embarrassed, however when I considered that I’d been working since the age of 14 and had paid in to the system for over 20 years, not only had I earned the right to receive the help for me and my children, I knew it was not permanent nor was it my identity. And from that point until I no longer needed assistance, I know longer entertained shame and thanked God for his provision through this. I realize that there are a good number of lazy people who would rather milk the system, but I’m not one of them and I’d venture to say that my situation was not unique.