NPC is essentially the intermediary book between Infinite and Infinite2 but it is nothing like those books. Jeremy Robinson has woven together 3 separate series into one larger series. Those individual series are made of books that are far less tightly woven in relation to each other than I am used to and to get the full effect I am restarting all of them in their various orders to get the larger picture. Like a picture within a picture as seen through a kaleidoscope. NPC is a good book. It started with one mess and ended with another. The characters are interesting and flawed and the way the plot unfolds… well, it made me appreciate the type of book it was. It left so many questions when looking at it from the aerial perspective of the greater series. At worst, this is a wild ride. And at best, this is a work of madness bordering on contented lunacy. So I am in for the long-haul.