While the narrator does at times make it hard to tell who’s speaking in this one, it’s a nice conclusion.

From if or how Wes would Slay the pun loving dragon to all the dark plots, wrapped up most.

I’ll admit though some thing were left unsaid that make it feel like there should be more. The author said this is the fourth and final book but damn.

Like the man of the mist starts using terms like whack a mole, earth hint? He has said that the kingdom is a servant of another kingdom in the past and calls humanity a servant race. Get no explanation on that, like is there bigger nations controlling lots of kingdoms like a wuxia novel?

The main plot and side quests do get wrapped up but damm, I want to see Eve go to other kingdoms like the dwarves or elves, or go raid a dragon lair. Also wanted to see her fight one of those level 2000 abyssal lords and other high level stuff. With how OP one shotting she was getting, I guess this is a good place to end, never did get to see what her moms quest reward was tho.

Biggest gripe, SHE NEVER THREW ANYTHING, she literally even got a skill to throw objects but never did. She kept jetting into the air instead of just throwing her club with enhanced strength at stuff. Imagine if Eve just got a lot of Riron javelins and started chucking them at things. Install wins, Also with 30k contribution points she could have gotten the Rsilver back. Also we never get to see her elderly guild mates fight, feel a let down to never see what the hype was about.

Hope another new great series comes out.