well, that was a surprise, this might be the best one in the series and I actually enjoyed it *surprised face*
In this book we will the last one of these toxic curvy girls, Callie, and we get another point of view Carson, they’ve been best friends since they were ten and they’ve been through a lot together, now they graduated and they are prepared for the last hurrah before college, Callie wants to get the guy she’s been crushing on for months Nick, but secretly she wishes if she can be with Carson, and Carson feels the exact same way he’s just afraid to confess his feelings when she already wants someone else, so he proposes to her to fake date to “get Nick’s attention” *winky face* will they act on their feelings before it’s too late ?
I have to admit, out of all the girls I’ve read about in the series Callie was the least toxic between them and I really shipped her and Carson and they were really good together, and there is something about graduating and opening a new chapter that gets to me ..
I don’t know if I will continue with this series because I had a really hard time with it but for now I will take a break from it