So first Male narrator for female character does a decent job, and the story isnt so bad or the premise.

Some holes, so in a world of classes no one until this group finds out you can change your class fate by doing things outside your class? really?

Fine, but the MC is super pushy trying to make people tell her all about them and be her friends because she wants it. I cant stand people like that but that’s just personal opinion. “We friends because I say so and want you to tell me your traumatic past because I want to know but dont Ask me stuff.” type character.

Worse she is a village girl who wanted to be a travelling merchant and never fight monsters but without any training thinks she know enough to be experienced. meanwhile she has fast speed and a sword and try to keep STABBING things. Any freaking moron would realize fast speed means dont stop. Run past and slash making hit and runs attacks not change fast and stab then stand still.

She doesn’t plan anything with her team or train just rushes into fights with no plan or talk. its literally see bad guy, rush at it one second later.

She gets into life and death fights without even testing her skills or practicing with her weapon. A weapon she has no training in or ever held before. they spend their time drinking instead of sparring or training or practicing skills or planning teamwork.

This book is like 12 year olds playing at adventurer where everything works out, when really they should all be dead. Like a kid who fights with a scythe because it looks cool not realizing it a farming tool, not a weapon for fighting and is a unbalanced mess with little offensive and no defensive abilities.