I thought this story had a lot of great elements in the beginning. I thought the mc’s father was a well written and complex character. The way the mc related to both his parents I thought was nuanced and interesting. Then came Zee’s time in the overworld. Leaving aside all the derivative elements, the motivations of the characters are clearly molded around the story and not the other way around. There’s also a number of plot points that could have been revealed early on, but instead are told to us way after the fact. It feels like this story could have really benefitted from some story boarding and editing. In general the writing it pretty good but not great. I mean giving your characters a signature phrase of “S*** a D***” is one thing but having them repeat it over and over and OVER, goes beyond obnoxious in my opinion. Again, could have really benefitted from an editor. However I have to say that for a free book it was good enough for me to make it to the end! I’m not gonna by the second but I’d listen if it was free.