Buckle up my friends, it’s going to be a wild ride ..

So let’s begin with me during the book..

*MY EYEEESSSS* I rolled them so much I can’t see straight anymore

ehm, now to the review,

The story is about Rory, who is fat and she feels like it’s dictating her entire life specially with her “over bearing” mother who pushes her to eat healthy and take care of herself after she was diagnosed with PCOS, but she gets into a dare with one of the cheerleaders in her school, if she get to date the famous QB Beckett she will prove that fat girls can have a happily ever after too .. can she do it?

Now, as a former fat person who was diagnosed with Endometriosis ( which is basically PCOS times 4, literally ) I can honestly say this book is trying to push really rotten ideas.

first, the mother has every right to worry about her 1617 years old daughter who didn’t have her period for the past THREE MONTHS !! AND she was diagnosed with PCOS and that shit is serious and can cause all sorts of problem ( I spent 10 years of my life trying to sort it out and it wasn’t easy ), I’m sorry, what did you want her mother to do ? clap her hands and laugh about it ? of course she will want to fix it, and as corny as it will sound, yes healthy eating and losing weight is a main factor to reverse any hormonal issue, including PCOS, so, I am team mom on this one and I wish my mom had this knowledge when I was treating my Endometriosis, it would’ve saved me 10 years of my life and 5 major operations one of them is hysterectomy.

Second, Rory was in a very bad place both physically and mentally yet she was expecting perfection from Beckett, she was so lost in her head that I can’t be convinced that she liked him other than his “hot pants”, and there was a scene where she literally tells him she was attracted to him because he has a nice body ..

So, dear Rory, it’s ok for you to have a fat body and a serious condition ( which you fail to see how serious it is ) but he can’t ? is that what you are trying to tell me ?

Third, those “friends” .. god, they were the worst part of the story, if you happen to stumble upon a this kind of people run away in the other direction because these people want you to stay put and never try to better your life, case on point, the moment Rory dated Beckett they left her because they felt intimidated by her, I think Rory could have more chemistry with a wall more than she had with those girls .. the author literally said there wasn’t anything in common between them except they are all fat !!, imagine what will happen if one of them tried to better her life by losing weight ?

god damn this fat acceptance movement

I’m not saying you are worthless if you are fat, everybody should be treated with compassion and love no matter what size they wear .. but if you have excess fat cells in your body it can cause serious things to your body because it is not meant to carry this extra weight, and please guys don’t give me that crap about ( I can’t lose weight because of my hormones)

GIRL .. you can’t lose weight because you are eating too much calories, read that again please

that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t eat .. look up the term Calorie Density and it will explain a lot for you

man I think this is one of the longest reviews I’ve done so fat because the book really touched a nerve in me .. because all my life people were trying to shame me or tell me I can’t strive for better because “This is who I am”

well, I lost 30 KG ( 66 lbs), reversed my condition and I am in the best health of my life, while I am in menopause, so there is no excuse .. if you are lazy to do anything and just want some hot guy to love the way you are mistreating your body, please don’t push this idea to other girls who can seriously get harmed by this

thank you