SICK. Absolutely the WORST book I have ever read. From the moment the “giant” on the bike was introduced I had red flags going up… this is a PEDOPHILE’S LOVE STORY! I had to go back to double check the protagonist’s age and she is clearly a CHILD. The book switches perspectives so you get insight to the ADULT MAN/giant/Kellen and how when he first saw the little girl he thought she was an angel. Then it talks about him giving her – A CHILD- a motorcycle ride to school… how she held onto his belt near the buckle, how her skirt flapped in the wind, how she touches his thigh, and all the INAPPROPRIATE feelings he had about her. THIS BOOK IS DISGUSTING. It DOESN’T have any redeeming qualities. How it has such a high review is beside me. The book should be titled ALL THE UGLY THINGS!