Just as other reviewers have mentioned, to much distracting sex and drama.

Many terms used the wrong way or unnecessarily.
i.e. x-military used a lot,,, no it’s former military. firearms; a full description of the firearm is used almost every time…. “m4 AR-15 in NATO 556”. no one talks like this EVERY TIME ,,, I just say my AR, or my 9, etc

I stopped listing when in the middle of the apocalypse the main female character says how great it is to shave her legs,,, feel then honey,, aren’t they smooth,,, then into the tub with her he goes. contributes nothing to the story.

They also kill so many people without vetting, worry, or thought. i.e. shoot and kill everyone who comes down the road, take no prisoners. where as I understand this, on one event they do this, they start shooting a car up, a girl pops out with her hands up and they shoot her…. no questions asked… what if she were a hostage the bad guys just kidnapped…