This is a wonderful character driven story. The author did an outstanding job building the brotherhood between the main characters. Zed is a sarcastic jerk who is a bit lost and listless before the world turned upside down. Murphy is a mature vet a bit older than Zed, who has a more cherry outlook on life as compared to Zed. When these two get started, they are hilarious. During the story they both face heartache and loss at different times. The other is there, rock solid, for them no matter the danger they face for each other. The friendship the author builds between the two is a friendship that only comes along once in a lifetime. Though the story is told from Zed’s POV, it is as much Murphy’s story as it is Zed’s. There are ups and downs, victories and defeats but always a story of brotherhood.

The author’s take on the zombie apocalypse is a bit different and smart from a story telling perspective. It has the feel of a ZA, but they aren’t zombies in the traditional way. It is very good and interesting and it opens the field wide open and leaves you wondering where the author will lead you next.

The ending left me cheering when the author throws in one final curve that ties the story up nicely and leaves you satisfied. Overall this is outstanding and is a steal at one credit for the complete set! The value is unbeatable! Absolutely loved every minute!