The journey of young Ishmael Horatio Wong as he finds his way as a spacer on a trading vessel is entertaining enough. Not much happens, but we follow him as he makes friends and finds his footing. Pretty good light entertainment.

But I have three criticisms:
1. The narrator. He is way too old sounding for an 18 year old boy. His delivery is very cut an dry, like Sgt. Friday from the old Dragnet tv show.
2. The second half bogged down with long, detailed discussions on shares, credits, trading, and the ins and outs of establishing a trade cooperative. Booooring!
3. The main character reads like a “Gary Stu”. He can do no wrong, everyone likes him, he succeeds brilliantly in everything he tries. Just not realistic.

Still, if you want some fairly mindless, non stressful entertainment, this fits the bill. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t awful, either.