So, let my start by saying this book is simply awful, like most prepper fiction. I’ll start by detailing what’s wrong with the book, then go on to talk about some of the ideas they set forth.

-Simplistic story

-Badly written

-Cardboard cutout characters that can’t be told apart

-Uninspired narration

-If you have a doubt you can take a human life to defend yourself and those

with you then don’t buy guns and ammo. Use it on other stuff that will be taken

from you by others. It’s nice of you to supply everyone. Infra red drones, HAM

radios and all that won’t mean anything if you’re not willing to defend yourselves

and your loved ones.

-If you bug out and don’t make it into “town” by day 3? Don’t go. Your window has passed.

-If you are in transit and you are shot at from a long way off? Keep driving.

-If you are shot at from in close, lay down surpressive fire and assault through the ambush.

The collection of kunckleheads in this book early on use by my calculation 120 rounds of 5.56 and a

little less pistol ammo to deal with 1 guy.

Overall it’s laughable, but then, One Second After is probably the only prep fic that’s any good at all.