My thought process while listening to this audiobook: 1) Oh, this is interesting. It isn’t a prepper book, it isn’t politically polarized, and it has a science fiction premise leading up to an EMP. Good, something new! 2) Hmm, yep, like the other reviews say, this book is full of young girl rape talk and a nauseating amount of “beautiful women, lovely girl, attractive woman” woman adjectives. Even so, I am interested in the characters, and it IS the apocalypse after all. I’ll keep reading. 3) WTF? 4) Is this one of the “Girl’s point of view” GOR NOVELS? I guess not because I actually like THEM. You have got to be kidding me. “… a society that tells a young boy that he can easily become a girl?” “She doesn’t like girls, that is just what girls her age say to boys.” (*These are not quotes, the are paraphrased from memory because I’m not going back to get the wording exact. Once was enough) 5) OMGWTF! Not only OMGWTF, but: A character pretends to be “flamboyantly gay” so he will be tossed in with the girls at the cannibal rape camp. 6) The guy who said “I’m 40 some hours in and I just don’t care how it ends” pretty much said it. We get very little of the main characters, some voodoo priest guy shows up casting magic circles, and, oh joy, the author’s take on a bisexual woman. People are called snowflakes. 3 separate bad guy characters are called “The Ginger.” Then the book just ends, with (in my opinion) no real conclusion to most of the story arcs, and NOT A MOMENT TOO SOON! To say something good, I was entertained by “Fire’s” story arc in book 1 and 2. After that, see thought process 3, 4, 5 and 6 above. Yuck.