Another journey into the McCullough family and the McCullough Mountain series. All of the books have had challenges for the characters and this one had challenges for both the H and h. Alec is a professor and Sheilagh is his student…at least until she isn’t any more. She is super smart and thinks she’ll turn in her term paper at something like the end of the first week. That’s pretty ballsy. However, it doesn’t get her the grade she’s looking for from Alec and some real antagonism springs up on her part. That sets the tone for the first part of the book, along with some other challenges for Sheilagh.

What I loved about their relationship was how patient and supportive he was of her once they got together. He stood up against her family when they tried to run over her and was calm in the face of some of her moods that even she didn’t understand. He really made an effort to understand what she was going through.

I listened to the audio version of this book narrated by Lucinda Gaines. She did a great job and I loved the professor’s accent!

Thanks to Valentine PR for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.