This is the first book I’ve “read” about the black dahlia. I thought his argument was incredibly convincing and I really liked the narrator overall. I just have 2 little criticisms and then something that gave me a good chuckle….

1. I do find it strange in audio books when narrators mispronounce something and either they or an editor doesn’t stop and correct it. However, I have no idea how these things are recorded or if it’s just a narrator at home with a mic and computer.

2. Several times I would find myself thinking – “Wait, I swear I’ve already heard this exact part.” because he was repeating some paragraphs from earlier chapters, verbatim

Bonus: The funniest thing though, and this was a first for me, is at the 10:58:15 mark he stops narrating for about 2 seconds and there are three taps in a row that sound like him banging on a keyboard 😆. I know it’s not relevant to the actual story… It was just so bizarre.