I really enjoyed The Age of Embers Series. There were a few times it was too wordy and over emphasis on every woman was so beautiful. Very enlightening about mankind’s fight for survival and the hardships people will face. The average person knowns nothing about food foraging, water purification, planting a garden, or protection. This will be a rude awakening with millions dying from violence or starvation. For the people that complained about graphic murder and rape that goes on you need to wake up. If and when an EMP destroys our electronic grid and decimates or infrastructure, we are screwed! The really bad people get worse and the good people either fight or die. Most people today do not have an inkling of what it is to survive off the land. Polite society will be gone with rape and murder at the forefront. I would like to think everyone would come together for a greater society. With holding hands and sing kumbaya but I’m not holding my breath. Women always laugh about men only thinking about food, sex, and sleep in that order. For every good man that would never take what’s not his there are ten who will and will kill for it. I may not live through and EMP, but it is possible that my grandchildren will. I’m happy to know that my sons have taught them how to survive.