Any additional comments?
As a woman, a prepper and a lover of this genre I am again disappointed. The one factor will always be present in this type of scenario and has been left out, emotion. I don’t buy that so many people die from the Vpox and hours later the survivors are up and ready to scramble? I believe that in a SHTF situation that, pushing aside emotion so that you can deal with what is in front of you will not be easy but will feel like you are carrying dead weight.
I don’t just listen to this genre for entertainment but also in hopes to maybe learning something new. My husband appreciated the exuberant amount of gun porn. I am excited to find that I have a favorite character JONAH. He is comic relief for this story.
The gun porn and shopping lists are boring to me because I would rather be invested in a character. Right now its Jonah and Cody. I am excited to see the paths they take or are taken to.
Knowing this was a short book, I was still floored when the story line was getting good and BAM ice water is tossed on you because the book ended.
Since I only do audio books I will have to wait for the next one. I was given this audio book for free for an an honest review. With that said I would have paid to listen to this book.
And what can I say about Kevin Pierce? As always you nailed it, I love your Jonah voice. I hope in the future you will experiment more with other voices, I think you good at it.