Loved all three stories. The narrator has a nice soothing voice.

Full disclosure, I purchased each of the three e-books as they came out and then later received a free copy of the audiobook bundle in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed the first book as it explored the same universe from the In Times Like These series but from a different perspective and in a new genre: Noir Sci-Fi Murder Mystery, but still with time travel elements and comedy (though it is not a comedy, per se, it does have humorous parts).

The second one is my favorite, a longer story exploring more of the various forms of synthetic life: synthetic humans, bots, and AI. It includes plenty of time traveling, and action, and a dash of humor. Overall a very enjoyable story.

The third book was strong too. There was less time traveling in this one, but I liked how the limited traveling was used in the story. It’s a murder mystery first of course, and I liked how it came together in the end.

This series stands on its own and is understandable without reading the ITLT series.

I recommend this series to anyone that likes time travel stories or murder mysteries, especially if you enjoy both.