I don’t know how to adequately explain why I didn’t like this listen but, I will try my best. This didn’t feel like i was listening to people that are living lives. (It makes since to me so don’t question it ok.) What was with the all the texting. There were so many chapters where all they did was text. The texts really didn’t even add to the story they were more like filler. And I appreciate clever writing but I often found myself wondering why they couldn’t just have a couple of conversations where they would just Get. To. The. Damn. Point. It was too much. The lack of details was also off putting. Again about a good 60% of the story was text messages and during all these chapters of texts months were passing. Like about 4 months passed. There was no progression in the story, no thoughts from the Characters while these txts were taking place. So the story kinda got lost for a while. And don’t get me started on the lack of chemistry and connection between the h and H. The first sex scene was in the 2nd or 3rd chap and there was NO foreplay at all, nor was there any in the second and barely any in the third. They didn’t even kiss until the 35th chap ( if they had it wasn’t described.) I could’ve forgiven all of that if they were passionate encounters but they really weren’t. It almost seemed like the author didn’t want to write it. Sorry for the long review but I had to share my take because I really like this author and I think I understand what she was going for but it really didn’t work for me.