The book isn’t quite as fun as the reviews suggest. Most of the humor is of the “sarcastic system” type, which seldom works well and there’s not much of it anyway. The MC is represented as moving forward based on his wits and charisma, but he doesn’t come across to the reader as being especially endowed with either. He succeeds because the mechanics of the world he lives in decides that that something is clever or that someone else is charmed by him. And, to be frank, he really doesn’t move forward very much; there’s a distinct lack of progression in this progression novel.

A lot of the prose is internal monologuing, often of the very boring kind. He relates to the reader a story from his former life where he accidentally walked out of a restaurant without paying his check. It’s not funny and not really related to anything going on and the reader is left wondering why words were wasted on this. Much of the dialog isn’t much better.

There’s 5 hours left on the audiobook and I’m wishing it would be over sooner. If the story turns itself around before the end, I’ll update this review.