On how Alaska natives are viewed by people in their own country. The investigation and subsequent trial of Joshua Wade in the murder of Della Brown was a travesty of justice. The defense attorney’s should not have taken the case as I am willing to bet their client told them he committed the murder as he told a multitude of people even as he was murdering Della. The jury in Della Brown’s trial SHOULD feel a horrendous burden for coming back with a not guilty verdict regardless of the physical evidence because he CONFESSED to the murder. It leaves me angry and wondering what is wrong with people. I feel the author was too kind to these self-righteous, self-absorbed bozo’s. It’s a true case of groupthink and what peer pressure can do to otherwise intelligent people. The idiot foreman talked NINE jurors out of their initial reactions of guilty to let Wade walk away from murder. Many will think me too harsh, but when Joshua Wade confessed to murdering Della Brown, each and every juror in that trial should have been convicted of a miscarriage of justice.

Thank heavens for Detective Purno and the advances in forensic medicine by 2007. Otherwise, Wade might still be out there murdering people. I wish Daisy Brown and her family peace and joy for the rest of her life.

Kevin Pierce is wonderful as always and narrates with a finesse not many can duplicate. His voice and narration style are perfect for this material. He is one of my favorite narrators and I always look forward to an audiobook when I realize he is telling the story.

I received this audiobook for free through Audiobook Boom! in exchange for an honest review.