Maka specifically. She’s written as if she’s an activist first, an angry borderline abusive stalker second, and indignant victim third, a know-it-all fourth, and an actual human with real flaws a very distant last.

She’s the kind of character that most players would simply ditch at the second flare-up of annoying diatribe, but because our boy is an insecure pushover, she gets to stick around to remind him that he is not a minority, is stupid, is bad, is male, and isn’t worthy of Maka’s time or effort. I know the author writes her as a “true love” interest, but she is abhorrent except in small moments (usually when she is a Mary Sue in the middle of a battle.)

Other than that, the “antifa dad and marine would have liked each other had they met” logical insanity, and the pop culture references no young man of the far future would possibly know, the books are actually pretty fun. Not perfect by any stretch but worth a listen.