Well, I’m kind of at a loss on how to write this review. If I’m being completely honest – I’m actually a little disappointed. In a way, I guess that is good because that means that the entire series to date had led me to have such high expectations. On the other hand, this was it – the culmination, the finale….and I’m so very sad that I didn’t feel half of what I think I should have felt. Yep….at a loss.

Okay, let’s go through it. The beginning….why exactly is Carter driving around aimlessly for 11 months? It doesn’t say – until MUCH later in the book – that Carter felt a pull towards Gavin. So…while I was reading this I kept thinking….”is he just driving around? How EXACTLY is he looking for Gavin?” Maybe I missed that comment about the pull and it was given earlier, all I know is that this kept me from being completely immersed in the beginning of the book. I enjoyed the conversations with Not Kelly but it was a bit difficult to get through.

The relationship between Gavin and Carter is definitely unique and we are building on what we saw in previous books – and to be fair, Gavin was a wolf for most of that so we do not have a lot of depth

to begin with – but we have the foundation. It is kind of funny the way that Carter is so uncomfortable with the physical side , or potential physical side. And Gavin is just – so adorable. Stupid Carter….almost dying all the time 🙂

So, the book progresses until we get to the finale. With no spoilers – I can not really say what I want to say other than I expected to cry. But, I didn’t. I expected to be moved. But, I wasn’t.

Well, I was moved….just not as much as I expected to be. See…hard to explain. Honestly, everything that was happening was a bit confusing. I listened to the audio version (great job with the narration, btw) so that might be a part of it, but it was just a bit too existential to me. And that, I think, was what kept me from being fully involved and immersed.

So – as a whole, I truly enjoyed the series. T.J. Klune has done a phenomenal job creating the world of Green Creek and the werewolves and witches that live within. The relationships are top notch and the characters are truly astounding. So, if the last book is not perfect…I’m okay with that. The experience was what WAS worth it. Completely.