I have been binge listening to LitRPG books for a while now and this book is the least well written of all of them so far. The saving grace is the narrater.
The editor did a poor job on the book, calling an individual person “they” multiple times during a confrontation with him or her as if the writer didn’t want to decide on a gender for the character.
The MC and his team are called by their team name as an individual instead of “team _ _ _ ” or “party _ _ _”. This could make it hard to hop back into the book and remember that the name is actually the party not an individual.
The progression is quick without much depth, tying in the real world infrequently. The primary bad guy opponent is just some dude they happened across through a single main interaction and only saw from the distance. Somehow the MC and team decided they must take him on..
I haven’t quite finished the book but thought I’d stop in to say a few words. I may be judging too harshly, I’m sure there are some that will love the book.