There are a lot of terrible reviews heaped on this book. I can understand why from people spoiled by Little’s usually concise and fast-moving storytelling. Maybe because this was the first book I ever read by Little I bring a different perspective to it. It’s a complicated story with multiple themes. That said, it is also heavily weighted with much menacing and foreboding horror. The humor that runs through virtually all Littles work is sadly missed but I think the labyrinthine if not hyperactive evolution of ‘The House’ amply compensate. It’s long and it’s sloppy but it’s also a feast which I imagine Little himself had a tough time controlling. But I love the fact it’s equal parts rambling and horrific. There are some extreme scenes which involve pedophilia so be warned. However it’s nothing that might alienate fans of Richard Laymon for instance (though he got away with it by making his sexy heroines 17 which is the age of consent in a lot of states). I’ve now read or listened to ‘The House’ three times and get something new from it each time. The narrator is wonderful and always is. He’s not perfect at female voices but that’s par the course for most male narrators I feel.