It seems that LitRPGs are plagued with the same problems: how to translate the gaming systems to writing. Most are confusing and poorly written, almost like fan fiction that gets published. Some, like Dungeon Crawler Carl, make up for this with character you quickly fall in love with. No one cares about the typical LitRPG deus ex machina and mcguffins when you have great character?

I don’t love this main character. I don’t even kinda sorta like him. I found myself hoping people would get in the game and murder him over and over. His sidekick is annoying. The writing is juvenile and in need of an editor. When a sentence such as “the purple gem was so dark, it was almost purple” exists in a book, you know it was copied off of whatever website it was published and pushed to publication to cash in.

I don’t understand the rave reviews.