Joe Tesla is an agoraphobic tech millionaire with connections to folks who own a mansion in the tunnels underneath Grand Central Station. He and his psychiatric service dog, Edison, are set. They never have to venture outside and can explore the underground tunnels (and there are miles and miles of them in New York City) to their heart’s content. That is until on one of their walks they come across a strange man who is down there looking for treasure. Suddenly, Joe’s life is at risk, and he has to figure out the solution to the mystery before “they” catch up to him.

I loved this story, yes, some of the secondary characters were little more than stage dressing for Joe and Edison completely stole the show but I was still engrossed in the story and was thrilled to find out that there are several more books in the series because I want to know what happens to Joe (and Edison) and whether he ever figures out how to come out of his cave. I realize there probably won’t be anymore medical mystery eureka moments (more’s the pity). The narrator did an excellent job and had a very pleasant voice so I will probably pick up the next one on Audible with one of my credits.

I listened to this one on audio courtesy of AudioBookBoom or whatever they’re called now. I requested a complimentary copy in return for the promise that I would write an honest review.

The mystery “germs” made me squeal with glee. I teach parasitology to vet tech students and I knew what it was immediately when the effects were first being described (long before it was named). It’s a disease that we touch on in my classes and the author did their research because the weaponizing of the organism is plausible enough to pass muster.