I think this book was a great read for a magical practitioner, however I would advise listening to the later chapters based on your work life/situation. My wife and I are full time artists, and have been for years. That said, a third of the book is concerned with how to incorporate magic into your financial life at work or in a corporate 9-5 setting or in acquiring a job itself. There’s also a lot of material on getting out of debt and disciplining yourself with force of will and magic in order to free yourself of debt. I did not find those chapters very relevant to my life, so if any of those items don’t apply to you, I recommend skipping to the chapters that do. I will say, all of the information is great and I don’t regret listening to the whole thing, because you never know when a bit of advice, counsel, or suggestion may come in handy. Our situations are always evolving or changing at least, so any tidbit from this book could pop into your mind at just the perfect time in life when you need it most. The opening chapters of the book were very relevant to us, and I am excited to experiment and employ some of the suggestions and methods Mr. Miller makes. I can’t wait to read his other books too. Last thoughts, I think this book is really helpful to people with little assets and networth, as much of the material is targeted to people with lots of debt and/or in a place in life where waiting tables, getting a low wage job, or finding a job in general is the starting goal. We are in a place in life where the main objective is to grow our collector base, close consistent large sales, and overall maximize our investment profits and income streams. There was enough material in the book to be helpful for our situation, but I was hoping for more. the advice he gives is very wise and good for generally anyone and I think anyone can learn a lot from this. it’s mostly common sense, but like he says in the book, we are not taught how to make our money work for us and multiply, at least not in American schooling… so this is a great book on practical common sense money management with a magical perspective to help. this is not a book for amassing life-changing amounts of wealth quickly or applying a break-through strategy with magic to draw in hundreds of thousands of dollars through your work or business. I was honestly hoping more for that type of thing, as we have accomplished it before and I know it is possible with magic and hard work. but, anyways thanks Mr. Miller for a great book still!