I enjoyed this book and thought the narration was great. I’m a big hater of cliffhangers, but luckily the second book is already downloaded into my library – I’m only mentioning it because if I hadn’t seen that this was only part 1, I’d have been annoyed so if this helps somebody, there ya go.

I really liked Keri Ann and Jack, but had some issues with Jack’s choices. I found it really hard to empathize with his decisions regarding Audrey when we never got to see why he would be friends with such a witchy, conniving woman to begin with. We saw nothing redeeming about her, even in his own words.

In any case, it was a little predictable but well written with likeable main characters (and I’m loving Keri Ann’s friends, too). Hopefully we see some growth in Jack and he grovels appropriately for being a dingdong before Keri Ann allows him back into her life.