Look. Can we be honest here…? At a certain point, I’ve listened to practically everything that Kevin Pierce has narrated and that’s why I buy the book.

He can turn anything in to something worth listening to. He’s an artist in his own right. I’ll probably buy the next book in this series because he’s the one reading it.

I’ve signed up for 2 credits a month from Audible for the past several years. Over 90% of the books I’ve bought are narrated by him. Anything else I buy is doomed to suck. I basically sort his most recent works and am disheartened to see that it is already in my library. 😩 Kevin get to work and pump out 3-4 per month please.

Bottom line, anything he reads is worth listening to because he is the voice of the apocalypse. I hope he’s got a Bug Out Location at this point. I know I’ve certainly funded (through the 150+ purchases) a month’s worth of supplies.

In my opinion, the best authors of this genre are: Franklin Horton, Tom Abrahams, A American (early works), AJ Newman (Pearce reads), some of Ryan Show and LL Akers, Kirkham/Ross/Fullman, Glen Tate 299 Days series, BOYD 4.5 hr per book CRAVEN (he’s a credit hog, but worth it), religious Mark Goodwin (His faith doesn’t bother me), William Fortschen, some CA Rudolph, and RE McDermott.

I hope you like this review because I gave you some bad ass authors to listen too. A few hundred hours I’d say. I envy you.