After listening to book one in the mammon series, called Titan, I was excited to listen to this book which is the second in the series. It was different than I expected, but equally good. This book focuses much more on the lives of characters who were secondary characters in the first book. Kade Kapur, the visionary billionaire who played a major role in book 1 plays a much a smaller role in this book that I expected. Because this story is a completely different kind of story than the first book it is hard to compare them, though without giving away the ending, I can say that the pieces are there for a action packed booked 3. There is more political intrigue and international tension here as well, so if you are a fan of political thrillers you will also enjoy it.

My only criticism of this book is that the plot can sometimes drag at few points that get very heavy into the details of the economy. It’s interesting if that’s your thing, but for me it was a little a heavy at times. But the author makes up for it in many other ways by expanding on characters that we did not get to know well in book 1.

The narrator Jonathan Beville does a great job handling and bringing to life the many many characters in this book from the menacing to the innocent, and seems to use accents from just about all overhe world. Solid work and performance by the narrator.

Overall, if you liked Titan, you will enjoy Messiah. I know I am hoping for part 3 in this series.