There are a lot of different story threads in this story. Both Ryun and Zach, past and present, with a few other characters in the present insterpersed through. In the prologue Ryun is setup as the horrible monster who destroyed the world, but as the story proceeds I can’t help but to side with Ryun over Zach at every turn. Especially when the framework first hit, Zach is a self righteous and sanctimonious ass. When he finally gets to infinite realm, he becomes a law enforcer because he doesn’t want to have to make choices and just wants to follow orders, even if those orders are enforcing slavery in mines. And yet he still thinks he is good because Order above all. Ryun on the other hand sees injustice and acts on it, not turning a blind eye because entrenched power structures maintain a semblance of order through fear. He may have been a monster on earth but Zach was just as much as one, easily manipulated and hypocritical, and yet still viewing himself as a paragon who could do no wrong. It’s to the point where I was always tempted to skip his chapters.
Narration is great, I will likely pick up other audiobooks with the same narrator. He brings the characters to life.